
Is the book always better?

What makes a good movie adaptation of a book?

Should you read the book or see the movie first?

How do you make a movie entertaining to both the audience who haven’t read the book and the well-versed audience?

I will address these questions in my analysis of books and their movie adaptations. Hi, I’m Lola and I’m a big fan of both books and movies. I think there are elements of storytelling that either medium does better than the other. I like to see how books are reimagined on the silver screen.

I’m not exactly a purist, in that I don’t think the film adaptation needs to be a direct transliteration of the book. But I do think it’s important that a movie version of a book stay true to the overall theme and tone.

Of course, I will cover examples where movies play around with the original source work and make new statements of their own, and we can discuss whether they were insightful or successful in their intended purpose. A film version with its own message to tell can be more interesting than even the best-made adaptation.

On this blog I will announce books I intend to read ahead of time and then follow up with a post about the movie based on the book. It will run kind of like a book club. I’ll take suggestions from the audience on what books/movies we should cover in the future, and encourage readers to post their own thoughts.


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